Toyota smart key programmer New For Toyota & Lexus OBD2 OBD Smart Key Maker Programmer 4D CHIP Features: Security and high efficiency: It's only need almost 20 seconds to finish one key making. It can be used securely for all the 4D and smart keys anti-theft system of Toyota series without the dangerous to destory the anti-theft system. This product is the fastest and safest instrument to do the key programming of Toyota and Lexus series in case of all keys losing.The detailed operating steps are as following:Common Keys1.Turn the ignition switch ON using the key with the orginal 4D chip.2. Insert the key programmer to the car diagnostic interface OBD, and the instrument will enter into the procedure of car auto searching with a short sound of di. 7 seconds later, the key programmer connect with the car computer successfully with the short sound of two or three di(two means the car is belong to the second generation and the three means third generation.); Afte...