Product Name: FARGO 050030 The ideal card printing solution for small businesses schools and local governments the FARGO® DTC1250e card printer encoder is the fastest pr
FARGO '050030' The ideal card printing solution for small businesses, schools, and local governments, the FARGO® DTC1250e card printer/encoder is the fastest printer in its class, allowing you to Printer Type: Single-Side Memory: 32 MB Media Type: PVC or polyester cards with polished PVC finish; monochrome resin required for100% polyester cards; optical memory cards with PVC finish; rewrite Media sizes supported: Accepted Card Sizes: CR-80 CR-79 Adhesive Back Total Media Capacity: 100 card input, 30 card output Interface: Ethernet / USB Dimensions: 8.80 x 13.70 x 7.90 Weight: 7.50 lbs.