With stories by acclaimed writers including Geoff Johns, Alan Burnett and Dave Gibbons, this DC Universe Animated Original Movie explores the rich mythology of the Green Lantern universe through six interlocking chapters. While awaiting a battle with Krona, an ancient enemy of the Guardians of the Universe, Earth's Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Kilowog, Sinestro and other members of the Green Lantern Corps recount their greatest adventures to new recruit Arisia - everything from tales of the first Lantern to the ominous events that led to the Corps' Blackest Night! The power-packed voice cast includes Nathan Fillion, Jason Isaacs, Elisabeth Moss, Henry Rollins and Arnold Vosloo.Special Features: Disc 1 Sneak Peek at upcoming DC Universe animated movie Sneak Peek at All-Star Superman Disc 2 Featurette: Only the Bravest: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Bruce Timm's Picks: Excerpt from The Siego of Starro! Part One from Batman: The Brave and the Bold Revenge of the Reach! from Batman: The Brave and the Bold