When global catastrophe strikes, the World's Greatest Super Heroes answer the call to join Justice League. Justice League works together as a team to overcome a dangerous array of intersteller invaders and world conquering megalomaniacs.When the Thanagarians visit Earth, Hawkgirl is forced to choose between loyalty to her people and love for her friends on her adopted planet Earth. This is the one battle that could rip the World's Greatest Super Heroes apart forever!!The galaxy's ultimate crime-fighting strike squad, Justice League, continues its on-going battle against enemies on the Earth and beyond! In Paradise Lost, sorcerer Felix Faust turns Wonder Woman's Amazon sisters to statues of stone! Then, Superman is captured by the warlord Mongul and plunged into a gladiator-style fight to the finish on an alien planet. Now, only Green Lantern and Hawkgirl can save their caped friend from the battle zone known as War World.Don't miss these two, two-part episodes, as the world's greatest super heroes answer the call for help in Volume 3 from the animated series!