The new spark from drolet is a highly efficient, epa-certified wood stove ideal for small spaces – and small budgets. Packaged in a sturdy cardboard box, it can be easily loaded into an suv or pick-up truck. But don’t let the spark’s size fool you: this stove can still produce 40,000 btu h, heat up to 1,000 square feet, and fit firewood up to 17 inches in length.This appliance is officially tested and certified by an independent agency Values are as measured per test method, except for the recommended heating area, firebox volume, maximum burn time and maximum heat output The maximum heat output (dry cordwood) is based on a loading density varying between 15 lb ft³ and 20 lb ft³ Other performances are based on a fuel load prescribed by the standard The specified loading density varies between 7 lb ft³ and 12 lb ft³ The moisture content is between 19% and 25% As measured per csa b4151-10 stack loss method Higher heating value of the fuel Lower heating value of the fuel Performances based on a fuel load prescribed by the standard at 7 lb ft³ and with a moisture content between 19% and 25% Optimum overall efficiency at a specific burn rate (lhv) Carbon monoxyde Limited lifetime warrantyApproved for a Mobile Home Installation: No Average CO: 130.5 g h Average Overall Efficiency (EPA cribs Douglas fir): 68.0 % (HHV) 73.5 % (LHV) Average Particulate Emissions Rate: 4.0 g h Baffle Type: Stainless Steel Canadian Standard (Emissions): CSA B415.1-10 Canadian Standard (Safety): ULC S627 Centre Line of Flue Outlet to The Back: 5-7 8 Centre Line of Flue Outlet to The Side: 11-3 8 Collection: Spark Depth: 20-7 8 Door Opening Height: 7-5 8 Door Opening Width: 15 Door Type: Single, Glass with Cast Iron Frame Firebox Depth: 12-1 2 Firebox Height: 9-5 8 Firebox Volume: 1.3 Firebox Width: 18-3 8 Flue Outlet Diameter: 6 Fuel Type: Dry cordwood Glass Surface: 13-5 8W x 7-5 8H Glass type: Ceramic Glass Heat Output Rate (min. to max.): 10,800 BTU h (3.2 kW) to 22,600 BTU h (6.6 kW) Heating Area: 250 - 1,000 Ft2 Height: 27-1 2 Log Po |