A Direct-Vent Fireplace Insert turns your existing wood-burning fireplace into an efficient gas- fired heat source. A wood-burning fireplace sends more than half of its heat up the flue, creating negative pres- sure in your home, which draws in outside air through gaps in doors and windows that actually makes your home colder. A wood-fire can also create ash and fumes that dirty your home and aggravate your allergies. Direct-Vent Fireplace Inserts are classified as zone heating appliances. Zone heating is inher- ently more efficient than your existing wood-burning fireplace or your central furnace. Unlike a central furnace, which wastes 20 to 30 percent of the heat energy through ductwork losses and sends much of the remaining heat to unoccupied rooms, zone heating creates and trans- mits the heat directly into the room. This lets you turn down your whole-house thermostat and use your fireplace insert to efficiently warm the room you use most.Requires a barrier screen or decorative front with barrier screen and steel surround to complete the unitCollection: Innsbrook Depth: 14-1 4 Front Width: 30-1 2 Height: 22-3 4 Millivolt Control: 33,000 BTU Rear Width: 19 Width: 31