Oh, what a lovely place for this crow to perch! Right atop the head of his owner... well, we suppose that would be, past owner, now. Look, we don't want to get into exactly how it is that this guy died, but the crow does feel it is necessary to state that he had no part in it. Do you believe him? Well, crows are known for being one of the smarter birds in the world, so chances are he's playing all of us...but when you take a look into those beady black eyes, one can't help wanting to trust him. He's cute enough (in a sort of, death-dealing maniac, way) to take home and set up in your library or den, or maybe you have a secret laboratory! This little guy would love to hang around and creep out any visitors of your evil lair! Standing only 6 inches tall, this little guy won't ever be in the way and adds a whole new level of sadistic to your lovely home! |