The Q-Mark CDFT Single Pole Internal Thermostat is a small but integral piece of equipment that installs directly into your Q-Mark CDF 500 Series Ceiling Mounted Heater. This thermostat allows you to gain complete control over your ceiling mounted heater and stays in place with durable interlocking relays so you never nave to worry about a connection malfunction. This thermostat gives you the ability to control your heater's emanating temperatures in a range of 45F to 98F and offers you complete feedback control over your heating system. Because this thermostat is single pole, single throw, installation only requires connecting two wires. The unit itself is fully compatible with all Q-Mark CDF 500 Series Ceiling Mounted Heaters. If you are looking for wa way to gain better control over your ceiling heater, or if you want to save money on energy bills, the Q-Mark CDFT Single Pole Internal Thermostat is a great choice.