The C PTE Certified Penetration Testing Engineer certification course is built firmly upon proven, hands-on, Penetration Testing methodologies utilized by our international group of vulnerability consultants. The C PTE presents information based on the 5 Key Elements of Pen Testing: Information Gathering, Scanning, Enumeration, Exploitation and Reporting. The latest vulnerabilities will be discovered using these tried and true techniques.This course also enhances the business skills needed to identify protection opportunities, justify testing activities and optimize security controls to reduce risk associated to working with the internet. Mile2 goes far beyond simply teaching you to テδ「テやぎテで滴ackテδ「テやぎテゑソス - besides utilizing ethical hacking methodologies, be prepared to learn penetration testing using advanced persistent threat techniques.The C PTE was developed around principles and behaviors used to combat malicious hackers and focuses on professional penetration testing rather than テδ「テやぎテで兎thical hackingテδ「テやぎテゑソス.