Laws and Regulations for Virginia Insurance Agents contains an overview of regulation responsibilities of the federal and state governments with a concentration on the The Virginia Code, Title 38.2 !! Insurance.While the complete Virginia Code, Title 38.2 !! Insurance is important , our course summarizes and abbreviates the information to accommodate busy professionals who find it difficult to set aside time for classroom instruction while providing sufficient principles to be useful. Laws and Regulations for Virginia Insurance Agents examines and explains regulations on both the federal and state level that concern the insurance industry in Virginia. The course begins with a list of definitions that are used throughout The Code and the course. This is followed by basic Life and Annuity Principles. Next the course surveys the legal environment of compliance and ethics and the roles played by both the federal and state governments. After this is a discussion of rules and penalties concerning insurance agents behavior and rules for taking applications and accepting payments. Next is described the power of The Commission to investigate the affairs of those engaged in the insurance business and penalties for refusal to permit investigation. Toward the end of the course are listed considerations with attaining and maintaining an insurance license.