Dollar-a-year-man Ed Browne (Sonny Tufts) may be skilled at building bombers, but he's a nincompoop about navigating wartime Washington. Good thing he has a livewire secretary with plenty of bureaucratic moxie to get him out of (but sometimes into) hot water. Of course the unlikely duo falls in love. but not before they tangle with spies. stolen files. double-booked hotel rooms and a nefarious Senate inquiry. Two-time Best Actress Oscar@‘ winner* Olivia de Havilland displays her comedy chops as the secretary in this antic comedy written by Dudley Nichols (Bringing Up Baby, Stagecoach). who also directs. The fun is amped by a splendid supporting cast, including Harry Davenport as a conscientious senator, Agnes Moorhead as a hostess with the mostest, Paul Stewart as a savvy reporter. and Anne Shirley and james Dunn as newlyweds searching the overcrowded capital for someplace...anyplace...with four walls and a door they can lock.