What's Wonder Woman up to now? Flash forward 35 years from her stirring Season-One adventures defending America in World War II. Without missing a beat, Wonder Woman leaps from the big-band era to the disco decade, still miraculously young and still using wits, wiles and astonishing powers to fight evil. Season Two (21 episodes following a feature-length season premiere) introduces Wonder Woman to a new America of nuclear power and computers. Teamed with Steve Trevor, son of the dashing major she worked with during World War II, she takes the name Diana Prince - and takes on all kinds of danger from terrorists, mad geniuses, crooks and even a diabolical rock star while working for America's Inter-Agency Defense Command. Wonder Woman, we're proud you're on our side!Special Features: Documentaries: Revolutionizing a Classic: From Comic Book to Television - a documentary that explores the adaptation from the page to the screen with comparison, illustrations and interviews with Lynda Carter, Douglas S. Cramer, Phil Jimenez, Alex Ross, Adam Hughes and Andy Mangels.