RANDOLPH SCOTT: THE WARNER ARCHIVE CLASSICS COLLECTION No major Hollywood stars were more identified with the Western than Randolph Scott. With more than half of his 100 film output firmly in the saddle, Randolph Scott presided over the Western's growth from kiddie matinee to mature drama. BADMAN'S TERRITORY (1946) Sheriff Mark Rowley (Scott) takes on a band of outlaws while searching for his missing brother. TRAIL STREET (1947) Scott takes the badge of lawman Bat Masterson in this sagebrush saga of peace and justice. RETURN OF THE BAD MEN (1948) U.S. Marshal Vance Cordrell faces down the Youngers, Wild Bill Doolin, Sundance Kid and more while trying to restore order. CARSON CITY (1952) Scott is a man with a mission, building a railroad through the lawless land between Carson City and Virginia City, Nevada. WESTBOUND (1959) Budd Boetticher and Randolph Scott's Westerns changed the genre forever, paving the way for Eastwood and Leone.