The Simpsons Movie Dan Castellaneta (voice), Hank Azaria (voice), Harry Shearer (voice), Julie Kavner (voice), Nancy Cartwright (voice), Yeardley Smith (voice), Minnie Driver (voice), Marcia Wallace (voice), Kelsey Grammer (voice), Albert B Synopsis: The Springfield citizenry has every reason to be out for Simpson blood. The calamity triggered by Homer has drawn the attention of U.S. President Arnold Schwarzenegger and Environmental Protection Agency head Russ Cargill (voiced by Albert Brooks). You know sir, Cargill tells the president, when you made me head of the EPA, you were applauded for appointing one of the most successful men in America to the least successful agency in government. And why did I take the job? Because I'm a rich man who wanted to give something back. Not the money, but something. That something is a devil's plan to contain the disaster. As the fates of Springfield and the world hang in the balance, Homer embarks on a personal odyssey of redemption -- seeking forgiveness from Marge, the reunion of his splintered family, and the salvation of his hometown. Format: Blu-Ray... |