Princess and the Frog PC Game Brand: Disney ESRB Rating: E - Everyone Genre: Action Adventure System Requirements: Minimum Requirements: Windowsテつョ Microsoftテつョ Windowsテつョ Vistaテつョ SP1/ XPテつョ SP2. 1.5 GHz Intelテつョ Pentiumテつョ 4 class or AMD Athlonテ「窶楪「 or equivalent processor. 512 MB RAM. 3.5 GB uncompressed hard drive space. 64 MB DirectXテつョ 9.0c-compatible, 3D video card supporting Shaders 2.0 (NVIDIAテつョ GeForceテつョ FX or better, ATI Radeonテ「窶楪「 9500 or better). NOTE: 2.0 GHz Intelテつョ Pentiumテつョ 4 class or better processor is required for onboard (built-in) integrated chipsets (e.g., Intelテつョ on-board 9xx series chipsets, NVIDIAテつョ Goテつョ series, ATI Mobility Radeonテ「窶楪「 and Expressテ「窶楪「). 16-bit DirectXテつョ 9.0c-compatible sound card. 8X DVD-ROM drive. DirectXテつョ 9.0c (included).