b Ultimate Home Theater Experience. b br br Enjoy the ultimate home theater experience with VIZIO's 40 5.1 Sound Bar System. This sound bar is sophistically designed, featuring a premium all metal construction and delivering incredible audio for any 47 Class TV. With HDMI support and Bluetooth with aptX reg , the system delivers the best possible audio quality. br br b 5.1 Surround Sound. b p The Sound Bar System features powerful speakers paired with a wireless subwoofer, delivering booming sound with crystal clear audio quality. This combo brings an enticing home theater experience to the comforts of your home. p p b Expansive Audio. b p p Upgrade to premium audio with VIZIO's 40 5.1 Sound Bar System. Best in class audio performance delivers up to 102 dB of room filling, crystal clear sound with less than 1 total harmonic distortion. p p b HDMI Connection. b p p The added HDMI port and cable brings access to the best possible audio connection for your connected devices. p p Compatibility ul li 47 Class TV li li Smartphones li ul p