From Dionisio Quilla comes this delightful zampoƱa, a bamboo panpipe of glorious tones that recall the wind blowing across the majestic Peruvian highlands. ZampoƱa is an essential instrument to accompany the folk music of Peru and especially the high Andes, where this instrument is widely used. This zampoƱa is considered to be of superior, professional quality - hence Malta Professional, for it comprises two tiers of flutes, one of six the other of seven pipes, to procure the perfect pitch. With a lifetime dedicated to the elaboration of Peruvian traditional instruments, Quilla states, The making of professional instruments is a delicate endeavor - not only because of the special material but also for the tonalities itās meant to produce. Quilla displays his expertise by carefully selecting the bamboo reeds according to the notes he wishes to produce and holds the reeds together with a small wooden slab. A brightly colored wool band creates a stunning decorative accent and includes an equally colorful wool case.