Gimme a Nun! Gimme a Gimel! Gimme a Hay! Gimme a Shin! What does it spell? Party time! Yes, the dreidel is known as the universal symbol of having a grand old time during the Hanukkah season. You’ll enjoy taking this top for a spin on the dance floor with some tight jeans and ankle boots. Red and green are so last season. You’re all about the blue and gold. Welcome to, home to the world famous Tipsy Elves ugly Christmas sweaters. This is not your typical Christmas sweater store. In fact, at Tipsy Elves, we strive to be different. Our ugly Christmas sweaters are designed from the bottom up, mixing traditional styles with modern humor. Our slogan is “Not your momma’s Christmas sweater,†and when you see our collection of funny Christmas sweaters, you’ll instantly know why.