There is something amazing about the way that the full moon helps us to reconnect with our youth. We all get a little anxious. Restaurants report people acting all types of crazy and any nurse or EMT near the hospital knows that moon schedule better than just about anyone else. The crazies come out, they say. What is it about the moon that just hits us all? Gravity? Are we like the ocean waves, the beast in us being pulled closer to the surface? Well, scientists argue, saying that we’re just seeing more of what’s already there. But what do scientists know about supernatural transfigurations!? The moon always drives us crazy, so when we can see all of the moon, we’re at the absolute max we can handle. Only the most mentally stable and wise among us are immune to the odd effects of the entrancing lunar lights. It certainly explains the werewolves among us. Already so close to their bestial nature, the moon’s light just sends them into the next world of crazed and urges them to tear off their clothes and run into the night air to howl and make all sorts of mischief.And, the best part, is that it gives you the perfect excuse to let go of all of your responsibilities for a night and run wild like the beast you’ve always wanted to be! You can start with this Adult White Lycan Werewolf costume… at least until you are able to transform on your own Made of polyester fabric and faux fur, the plaid print shirt has some seriously jagged edges. (You really have to be more careful with your clothes!) But, who can hold it against you when that luxurious white fur bursts down your arms (and ends in some pretty spooky claws). The plastic mask is covered with soft foam for just that perfect exterior feel and, to our knowledge, doesn’t carry the curse so you aren’t likely to infect anyone else. (Unless, of course, you pick up multiple costumes.) |